Thursday, January 24, 2013

You're ready to paint!

So when you finally have all your materials, and have drawn a subject on your canvas to paint from life, picture, or a book, head to a well-ventilated space (because the paint smells, and although it's not a bad or super strong smell, it's strongly recommended to be in a well-ventilated area) and set up. You might want to put newpaper under your work space. Pour oil mix in one of your little plastic cups and some Turpenoid in the other, and get a wet and dry paper towel. Put on thin disposable gloves (the paint isn't supposed to get on your skin) and squeeze small amounts of paint onto your palette. Dip your brush in oil mix to make the paint as thin as you want, and begin painting! To clean your brushes in between colors, dip them in the Turpenoid and wipe them off on the dry paper towel.  When you're done for now, wash your brushes with soap and warm water and wipe dry with a paper towel, cover the paint on your palette with plastic wrap, and put the lids on your oil mix and Turpenoid. A picture of my first painting is to come tomorrow.

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